PLA Notices

Cremorne to Kew

Gorgeous day, and we all made it down to Cremorne bright and early for a paddle out west. High tide was at 1130am so we had the tide with us for a good chunk of the first leg.

Before we knew it we were at Kew, in fact we were there by 1145 so […]

Drama and manoeuvres in Shepperton

As training sessions go, this one seemed to skip along happily like a kayaker in the wake of a Thames party boat. The three newbies, Dan, Dave and Nick figured a beautiful autumnal day along the quiet Shepperton river banks lined with post rehab rocker villas would be like chicken soup for their busy London […]

What a lovely lot of kit I got

For all of you who didn’t make it down to the open day at Cremorne Riverside yesterday, where Desperate Measures (the canoe shop) had loads of kit for us to play with (and buy), you’ll probably want to click here to read up on what you missed. But in a nut shell, there was lots […]

Swimming in the Thames

If a thing’s worth doing, it’s worth doing properly. Swimming, for example. Some people just slap on a pair of trunks and jump right in. I like to prepare my swims a little more carefully. For the truly satisfying swim I recommend cardboard and sticky tape, in quantity. Widescreen TV boxes work pretty well. The […]

We all ‘Go Canoeing’ for a day

To help celebrate the British Canoe Union being in its 75th year, the Club teamed up with Kayaking London and Friends of Cremorne Riverside to host an open day during ‘Go Canoeing Week’ on Sunday 8 May.

The day was a great success, lots of people rocked up to find […]

In The Coach’s Words

I’ve been under the impression that the kids’ weekend drop-in sessions at Cremorne were about kayaking. Well, on Sunday I got my impression corrected.

Sure, they kayak (that’s a given when you’re in Harry’s care), but it’s so much more than just kayaking – everything they do contains a lesson.

Read what this week’s session […]

More Fame For The Club – And The Centre

Simon Willis is a British journalist who has been doing Podcasting interviews with Sea Kayakers about expeditions, favourite routes and issues of interest at since 2006.

He popped down for a paddle with Cremorne Riverside recently – check out his blog at:

Also download a podcast of Simon’s interview with Harry:


Soggy Cardboard

Saturday 10th July 2010

What do pensioners, pre-teens, cardboard and the Thames have in common? If you’d asked me a week ago I would have been stumped. But last Saturday it became clear: cardboard canoe racing.

Saturday 10 July saw Cremorne Riverside hold its first ever cardboard canoe competition, attracting regulars and newbies, young kids […]

Cremorne Riverside Summer BBQ and Cardboard Canoe Championships!/event.php?eid=127140907326717&ref=ts

Check it out – hope to see a few members there flying the flag for the Club!

CKC Editor

Inspired By The Games

Monday 17th May 2010

CKC would like to say a big well done to Cremorne Riverside which has just become the first kayaking centre to receive the London 2012 Inspire Mark for its “Future Paddling” project!

The project aims to engage year 5 and 6 students in paddlesport. Worksheets will be used to learn about […]