Totally Thames Tasters – 7 & 8 Sep

PLA Notices

Club Committee

Our committee members, coaches, Thames / sea leaders, web support and other helpers give their time on a strictly voluntary basis and receive no remuneration. All members are encouraged to get involved; to help run the club and to organise trips!

Chelsea Kayak Club has a management committee and from Nov 2023 – Nov 2024 it comprises the following:

  • Chair: David P
  • Landlord Liaison: Fiona
  • Treasurer: Tudor
  • Club Secretary: Mike W. and Rose
  • Training Officer: Phil P. and Rose
  • Kit Officer: Rich
  • Trip Coordinator: Mike L.
  • Website & Data Protection Officer – Vacant
  • Safety & Welfare Officer – Liza
  • Social Media & Socials – Charlie
  • Website Active Content coordinator – David P
  • Marketing & Communications – Matt MM
  • Minute Secretary – Mary

The core committee can be contacted via

Additional official roles comprise the following:

  • Thames Leader coordinator – Mike M.

We welcome any members who want to get more involved in the running of the club or make suggestions.  Members wishing to do so should speak to a member of the committee.

For more information – the activities which fall under each of the committee members’ roles are set out here