Totally Thames Tasters – 7 & 8 Sep

PLA Notices

Summer Sea Day Trip 3

Lymington to Lee and return. Sunday 25th August 2024

Detail of Trip

This is a day paddle from a beach area close to Tanners Lane, Lymington to Lee. The route follows the coastline, affords plenty of opportunity to stop and is an ideal paddle for those new or relatively new to the sea. The aim is to reach the Lee for lunch before conducting the return leg.

Grade: A, that is Discover Award level or equivalent experience. Guidance on gradings – Trip and Session Guidelines « Chelsea Kayak Club

We plan to launch about 12:00 and be back at the launch site at about 17:30.

All trips can only go ahead if the conditions of sea and weather permit and this can only be assessed in the few days before the day of the trip. There will be a WhatsApp group set up for those going and an on-line meeting on the Wednesday before the trip. The trip is also dependent upon being able to move and recover the appropriate number of kayaks to the trip start point.

Organiser: Liza

Maximum number of people excluding lead: 6 people

Please sign-up by 17:00 on Friday 16th August 2024. Note that the organiser will confirm your place on this trip after the sign up deadline. If you are in any doubt about your suitability for this trip, please discuss with the organiser directly.

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Total Attendees: 1
# Name
1. Robert Chapman