LOCATION: Brentford Boating Arch, Kew Bridge: https://www.chelseakayakclub.co.uk/about-the-club/club-locations/
What3Words: Jelly.Probe.Cards. Please do not enter the arch nearest the water via the gym if a class is being held. Wait for the Thames Leader to open the other end (facing the pub) to gain access to the toilets and changing room.
NON-MEMBERS & GUESTS: Non members and guests are welcome when conditions and skills allow. If you are not a member, please email beforehand to confirm you can attend, so that your name is not removed from the list below. Please send an email to: info@chelseakayakclub.co.uk. The session fee for a non-member/guest is £15. When you have a confirmed place please transfer £15 to the club bank account (this is a “business” bank account): HSBC Bank, Account name: Chelsea Kayak Club, Sort code: 40 02 32, Account number: 71526596.
PERSONAL EQUIPMENT: Please keep eye on forecast and bring your own cag or waterproof jacket if you have one, water, and a snack for a mid-paddle break.
GROUP SIZE: Max number is the Leader plus 6 but depending on the group this might change to more. The minimum number of people is the Leader plus 2. Email the Thames Leader or info@chelseakayakclub.co.uk if the list is full but you would like to join the paddle.
- These sessions are not suitable for people with no or limited paddling experience you must meet our minimum prerequisites please refer to Trip and Session Guidelines.
- Please make sure you read the Port of London Authority’s (PLA’s) Basic Principles of Navigation/Paddling on Upper Tideway (For more complete information see Paddling on the Tideway – A Code of Practice for Paddling on the Tidal Thames 2017 ). See also The River Thames Recreational Users Guide – Teddington to Sea Reach
Also useful for tides and events on the river see PLA Boating on the Thames page . - LIGHTS ARE REQUIRED WHEN PADDLING AFTER DARK. Please bring along your own waterproof torches if you have them, or place a white bike lights in two milk cartons and bring some string to attach them to the kayak.
- Follow any specific instructions that are given by the session leader, such as getting on the water and group management.
- Neoprene spray decks and BA/PFD’s are available.
- Please look after any kit that is borrowed – treat it with care and as if it is your own.
- Consider bringing a snack and bottle of water with you – especially in periods of warmer weather given the distances that are covered on the session.
- Even when in a group with an experienced paddler, everyone on the river is responsible for their own safety, keeping a look out and navigating in a correct manner to avoid collisions or causing a collision, etc.
- Failure to comply with PLA rules can result in you being fined £5,000.
Sunday 16 February 2025
SESSION TIMINGS: Meet at 12:00. On the water at 12:30. Aiming to be off the water by 15:30.
TIDES: Kew Bridge LW 13:00– see Admiralty Easy tide for further details if required.
SUNSET: tbc – Lights are not required for this trip
GRADE: A (Explore and above, see here for more details: Trip Guidelines « Chelsea Kayak Club )
Please sign-up by 16:00 on Fri 14 Jan 2025, if you would like a place and will require use of boats and equipment.
Maximum number of attendees reached - registrations are closed. Total Attendees: 6# | Name |
1. | Mary |
2. | Jude |
3. | Miguel |
4. | Mike Cassidy |
5. | Phil p |
6. | John L |
Sunday 23 February 2025
SESSION TIMINGS: Meet at 12:30. On the water at 13:00. Aiming to be off the water by 15:30.
TIDES: Kew Bridge LW 17:00– see Admiralty Easy tide for further details if required.
SUNSET: tbc – Lights are not required for this trip
GRADE: A (Explore and above, see here for more details: Trip Guidelines « Chelsea Kayak Club )
Please sign-up by 16:00 on Fri 21 Feb 2025, if you would like a place and will require use of boats and equipment.
Total Attendees: 1# | Name |
1. | Zachary |